‘The AI Marketing Accelerator’, is like having a personal Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at your disposal 24/7!

Simply use the prompts below to get instant advice on how to improve your products & services, build a world-class brand, create viral content, sell more products than your competitors, and efficiently scale all parts of your business with less effort.

STEP 1: Seed ChatGPT With Your Company/Product Information…

My business is a (describe your business… eg "Healthy Lifestyle Coaching Company"). The name of my business is (name of your business). My target market is (describe your target market… eg "women 25-35 looking to improve their health, while managing a busy lifestyle".) Our best-selling product/service is (describe your #1 product or service). Please confirm you understand what my business sells, and who it helps.

STEP 2: Once you’ve seeded your chat with the above information, continue with any of the prompts outlined below…

Prompts for Improving Your Products and Services…

Identify the primary goals and outcomes that clients should achieve after completing my [service/product].

What are the core modules or topics that should be covered in my [service/product]?

List the specific tools, resources, and support options that clients will receive when they join my [service/product].

Outline the structure and format of my [service/product] (e.g., live coaching sessions, online course material, etc.).

Determine the ideal duration and time commitment required for clients to complete my [service/product].

What are the most common pain points or challenges that my target audience faces, and how can my [service/product] help to solve them?

Research industry trends and competitor offerings to identify gaps or opportunities in the market that my [service/product] could fill.

Determine the most effective learning or delivery style for my [service/product] based on my target audience's preferences and habits.

Consider the optimal pricing strategy for my [service/product] based on factors such as value, profitability, and customer acquisition costs.

Create a detailed roadmap or timeline for developing and launching my [service/product], including milestones and deadlines.

Prompts for Pricing and Packaging…

Establish the pricing structure for my [service/product], considering factors like value, competition, and target audience.

Determine any exclusive bonuses or add-ons that could be offered to clients who sign up for my [service/product].

Outline a limited-time discount or special offer for clients who join my [service/product] during a promotional period.

Explore different pricing tiers or options for my [service/product] to cater to clients with varying budgets and needs.

Conduct a survey or focus group with potential customers to gather feedback on pricing and packaging options for my [service/product].

Explore different payment methods or financing options that could be offered to make my [service/product] more accessible to a wider audience.

Consider the potential impact of different pricing strategies on customer behavior and demand for my [service/product].

Determine the optimal pricing structure for my [service/product] based on factors such as cost of goods sold, profit margins, and market demand.

Create different pricing tiers or options for my [service/product] to cater to customers with different needs and budgets.

Prompts for Marketing and Promotions…

Create a compelling sales page for my [service/product] that highlights its benefits, features, and value proposition.

Write a series of 5 persuasive email templates to promote my [service/product] to potential clients on my email list.

Develop a social media content plan to promote my [service/product] across multiple platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

Outline a webinar or live training session that introduces potential clients to the content and benefits of my [service/product].

Create a series of video testimonials from satisfied clients who have completed my [service/product] to build social proof.

Conduct research to identify the most effective marketing channels and tactics for reaching my target audience with my [service/product].

Develop a content marketing strategy to create high-quality, valuable content that will attract and engage potential customers.

Consider the best ways to leverage social proof, such as customer reviews or case studies, to build credibility and trust with potential customers.

Explore different referral marketing strategies, such as affiliate programs or referral bonuses, to incentivize satisfied customers to spread the word about my [service/product].

Develop a brand messaging and positioning strategy to differentiate my [service/product] from competitors and resonate with my target audience.

Prompts for Improving Sales and Conversion…

Develop a sales script or conversation guide for selling my [service/product] during one-on-one calls or consultations.

Outline the key objections potential clients might have about joining my [service/product] and prepare effective responses to address those concerns.

Create an email follow-up sequence to nurture leads who have expressed interest in my [service/product] but have not yet enrolled.

Develop a referral program to encourage satisfied clients to refer new clients to my [service/product] for a reward or incentive.

Identify the most common objections or concerns that potential customers may have about my [service/product], and develop strategies to address and overcome them.

Create a lead nurturing strategy to build relationships with potential customers over time and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Develop a customer segmentation strategy to identify different customer groups and tailor marketing and sales efforts accordingly.

Explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of different sales channels, such as direct sales, partnerships, or online marketplaces, to determine the best fit for my [service/product].

Design a sales funnel that guides prospects through a series of stages (e.g., awareness, consideration, decision) and maximizes their likelihood of becoming customers of my [service/product].

Identify potential bottlenecks or drop-off points in my sales funnel and develop strategies for optimizing these areas to increase conversion rates and revenue.

Create compelling lead magnets, landing pages, and calls to action (CTAs) that incentivize prospects to take action and move closer to becoming customers of my [service/product].

Develop a lead nurturing strategy that uses email marketing, retargeting, and other tactics to keep prospects engaged and interested in my [service/product] over time.

Prompts for Improving Client Experience and Support…

Outline a comprehensive onboarding process for new clients who join my [service/product] to ensure a smooth and successful start.

Develop a system for providing ongoing support and assistance to clients enrolled in my [service/product] (e.g., email, chat, community forum).

Create a plan for collecting and implementing client feedback to continually improve and enhance my [service/product].

Determine any additional resources or tools that could be offered to clients enrolled in my [service/product] to support their success.

Define the ideal client experience and journey for my [service/product] from onboarding to completion.

Conduct a survey or focus group with existing customers to gather feedback on the client experience and identify areas for improvement.

Develop a customer retention strategy to encourage existing customers to continue using and advocating for my [service/product].

Create a customer service strategy that outlines how to handle common customer inquiries, complaints, and issues in a timely and effective manner.

Determine the most effective communication channels and tools for delivering support and assistance to customers enrolled in my [service/product].

Develop a community engagement strategy to encourage customers to connect and support each other, and to build a sense of belonging around my [service/product].

Develop a system for tracking and analyzing client feedback to identify areas for improvement and ensure client satisfaction.

Create a knowledge base or FAQ section to provide clients with self-service options for common issues or questions.

Prompts for Scaling and Growth…

Explore potential partnerships or collaborations with industry influencers or experts to promote my [service/product] to a larger audience.

Identify additional revenue streams or opportunities to expand my [service/product] and grow my business.

Create a plan for launching and promoting new iterations or updates of my [service/product] to keep it fresh and relevant.

Develop a strategy for scaling my [service/product] by leveraging automation, outsourcing, or team expansion.

Analyze the performance metrics of my [service/product] to identify areas of improvement and optimize for future growth.

Develop a growth strategy for my [service/product] that aligns with my overall business goals and objectives.

Explore opportunities to expand into new markets or industries with my [service/product].

Determine the optimal pricing and packaging strategy to maximize revenue and profits while maintaining customer satisfaction.

Invest in marketing automation or CRM tools to streamline and scale my marketing and sales efforts.

Build a team or outsource tasks to enable me to focus on high-level strategy and growth opportunities.

Conduct market research and analysis to identify potential new customer segments or markets that my [service/product] could expand into.

Develop a product roadmap that outlines the planned evolution and expansion of my [service/product] over time.

Create a growth strategy that outlines the key initiatives and investments needed to achieve my desired growth trajectory for my [service/product].

Identify potential strategic partnerships or collaborations that could accelerate my [service/product]'s growth and reach.

Prompts for Your Personal Development and Skills…

Identify key skills or areas of expertise that I should develop or improve to better serve clients in my [service/product].

List the top industry events, conferences, or networking opportunities that I should attend to build connections and learn about the latest trends related to my [service/product].

Create a personal development plan or roadmap to enhance my knowledge and skills in the areas most relevant to my [service/product].

Identify the most important skills and knowledge areas needed to succeed as a CMO in my industry, and create a plan to develop those competencies.

Stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in marketing and related fields by reading industry publications, attending webinars or conferences, or participating in online communities.

Develop a growth mindset and embrace continuous learning and improvement to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving industry.

Seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or coaches to identify blind spots and areas for improvement in my leadership and management skills.

Develop a plan for prioritizing and managing my time effectively to balance competing demands and ensure that I can focus on high-impact activities.

Prompts for Tools and Technology…

What are the best tools or software solutions to help manage and deliver my [service/product] effectively and efficiently?

Identify opportunities to leverage AI-powered tools or services to enhance the client experience within my [service/product].

Determine the best project management or collaboration tools to help organize and streamline the development and delivery of my [service/product].

Help me stay abreast of emerging technologies and software tools that could help to optimize and streamline various aspects of my [service/product] development and delivery process.

Research and evaluate different project management tools or software solutions that could help me to manage complex projects and workflows more efficiently.

Consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of different marketing automation tools or customer relationship management (CRM) systems to determine the best fit for my business.

Explore different data analytics tools or business intelligence platforms to gain deeper insights into customer behavior, market trends, and other key performance indicators (KPIs).

Develop a strategy for integrating different technology tools and systems to create a cohesive and efficient workflow across different departments and teams.

Prompts for KPIs and Optimization…

Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that I should track to measure the success of my [service/product].

Create a plan for analyzing and optimizing the various marketing channels used to promote my [service/product].

Identify opportunities for A/B testing or multivariate testing within my [service/product] to improve conversion rates and overall client satisfaction.

Set benchmarks for key performance indicators (KPIs) to determine if my [service/product] is meeting business goals and objectives.

Analyze customer feedback and identify areas for improvement in my [service/product] to increase overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Develop a system for regularly monitoring and analyzing KPIs to identify trends and make data-driven decisions to optimize my [service/product].

Create a dashboard or report that visually presents KPI data to make it easier to understand and communicate progress and results.

Consider conducting user testing or user experience research to gain insights into how customers interact with my [service/product] and identify opportunities for optimization.

Prompts for Networking and Relationship Building…

Develop a strategy for building and maintaining relationships with clients enrolled in my [service/product] to foster long-term loyalty and referrals.

Create a plan for engaging with industry influencers or thought leaders who could potentially endorse or collaborate on my [service/product].

Identify opportunities for guest posting, podcast interviews, or other content collaborations to raise awareness of my [service/product] and build my brand.

Develop a strategy for building and nurturing relationships with other professionals in my industry to expand my network and increase opportunities for collaboration.

Create a plan for attending industry events or conferences to meet new people and stay up-to-date on trends and news related to my [service/product].

Consider creating a referral network or program with other businesses or professionals who offer complementary services to my [service/product].

Identify key online communities or groups where my target audience is active and develop a strategy for engaging with them to build relationships and establish myself as a thought leader in my industry.

Develop a system for tracking and managing my contacts and relationships to ensure that I am making the most of my networking efforts.

Prompts for Increasing Retention and LTV…

Develop a strategy for increasing the lifetime value of clients enrolled in my [service/product] through upselling, cross-selling, or additional services.

Create a plan for re-engaging clients who have completed my [service/product] to encourage repeat business or referrals.

Identify key factors that contribute to client churn or attrition within my [service/product] and develop strategies to address and improve those areas.

Research to determine the lifetime value of customers enrolled in my [service/product], and use that information to develop strategies for increasing retention and revenue over time.

Consider offering additional services or products that can be added to my [service/product] to increase the value proposition for customers and encourage repeat business.

Develop a loyalty program or reward system for customers who remain enrolled in my [service/product] for a certain period or refer new customers.

Create a system for regularly communicating with existing customers to keep them engaged and informed about new developments related to my [service/product].

Analyze customer feedback and identify areas for improvement in my customer support or service offerings to increase satisfaction and reduce churn.

Prompts for Client Onboarding and Support…

Design an effective client onboarding process for my [service/product] to ensure a smooth and welcoming experience for new clients.

Create a comprehensive client support plan that addresses the most common questions or issues that may arise during my [service/product].

Develop a system for regularly checking in with clients enrolled in my [service/product] to ensure their needs are being met and to address any concerns.

Develop a welcome kit or packet for new clients enrolled in my [service/product] that provides them with all the information and resources they need to get started successfully.

Consider offering a live orientation or onboarding session to new clients to ensure that they are comfortable and confident with the use of my [service/product].

Create a comprehensive knowledge base or FAQ section on my website that provides answers to common questions and troubleshooting steps for technical issues related to my [service/product].

Develop a customer support ticketing system or chat support function to ensure that clients can easily reach out for help or assistance when needed.

Consider offering additional resources or support channels for clients who may need extra assistance, such as a community forum or one-on-one coaching sessions.

Prompts for Pricing and Payment Options…

Identify the most appropriate pricing structure for my [service/product], taking into account factors such as market demand, competition, and value perception.

Develop a range of payment options or plans to make my [service/product] more accessible and appealing to a wider audience.

Outline any potential discounts, promotions, or incentives that I could offer to encourage sign-ups for my [service/product].

Conduct market research and analyze competitor pricing to ensure that my [service/product] is priced appropriately for the target audience and competitive landscape.

Consider offering different pricing options or packages to cater to customers with different needs or budgets.

Develop a transparent pricing policy that communicates what is included in the price of my [service/product] and any additional fees or charges that may apply.

Create a seamless and secure payment process for customers to make it as easy as possible for them to enroll in my [service/product].

Consider offering a free trial or money-back guarantee to help build trust and confidence with potential customers.

Prompts for Building Authority and Thought Leadership…

Create a content marketing plan that positions me as an authority in my industry and promotes my [service/product].

Identify potential speaking opportunities, panels, or events where I can share my expertise and raise awareness of my [service/product].

Develop a strategy for regularly publishing articles, blog posts, or other content that showcases my knowledge and expertise related to my [service/product].

Identify areas of my industry where I can provide unique and valuable insights, and develop content that showcases my expertise and establishes me as a thought leader.

Consider partnering with other industry thought leaders or influencers to create compelling content that provides value to my audience and helps to expand my reach.

Develop a content calendar or plan that includes a mix of different formats (such as blog posts, social media content, videos, and webinars) and topics related to my [service/product].

Create a process for repurposing and sharing content across different channels to maximize its reach and impact.

Consider leveraging SEO and keyword research to optimize my content for search engines and attract more organic traffic to my website.

Prompts for Creating Referral and Affiliate Programs…

Design a referral program that rewards existing clients for referring new clients to my [service/product].

Create an affiliate marketing program to partner with other businesses or influencers who can promote my [service/product] in exchange for a commission.

Develop promotional materials and resources to support my referral partners and affiliates in marketing my [service/product].

Develop a referral program that offers incentives or rewards to customers who refer new clients to my [service/product].

Create a system for tracking and managing referrals to ensure that customers receive the appropriate rewards and recognition for their efforts.

Consider partnering with other businesses or professionals who offer complementary services to my [service/product] to create an affiliate marketing program.

Develop promotional materials or resources that affiliates can use to market my [service/product] effectively, such as email templates, social media posts, or banner ads.

Monitor and analyze the performance of my referral and affiliate programs regularly to identify areas for optimization and improvement.

Prompts for Marketing Analytics and Reporting…

Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that I should track to measure the success of my marketing efforts and evaluate the ROI of my [service/product].

Develop a system for regularly monitoring and analyzing my marketing data and metrics to identify areas for optimization and improvement.

Create a dashboard or report that visualizes my marketing performance and highlights trends, patterns, and insights relevant to my [service/product].

Consider using advanced analytics tools or services to gain deeper insights into my marketing data and optimize my [service/product] accordingly.

Develop a plan for sharing marketing analytics and insights with relevant stakeholders (e.g., executives, investors, and team members) to facilitate data-driven decision-making.

Develop a comprehensive analytics and data strategy that identifies the key metrics, tools, and processes needed to measure and optimize the effectiveness of my [service/product] and marketing efforts.

Create a dashboard or reporting system that provides real-time visibility into the performance and ROI of my [service/product] and marketing channels, and enables me to make data-driven decisions and optimizations.

Identify potential data sources, such as customer surveys, website analytics, or social media listening tools, that can provide valuable insights into the needs, preferences, and behaviors of my target audience and customers.

Consider leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning, or predictive analytics tools or services to enhance my ability to analyze and optimize my [service/product] and marketing efforts over time.

Develop a plan for continuously evaluating and updating my data and analytics strategy to ensure that it remains aligned with my overall business goals and objectives.

Prompts for Public Relations and Media Outreach…

Identify potential media outlets, journalists, or thought leaders who cover topics related to my [service/product] and develop a targeted outreach plan to secure media coverage and exposure.

Create a media kit or press release that summarizes the key features, benefits, and value proposition of my [service/product] and provides contact information and resources for media inquiries.

Develop a media training program or resources for myself or my team to ensure that we can effectively communicate and promote my [service/product] to the media and the public.

Consider leveraging social media, blog posts, or other content marketing tactics to build relationships with key media contacts and influencers and increase the likelihood of securing coverage or endorsements.

Create a plan for measuring and optimizing the effectiveness of my public relations and media outreach efforts and adjust my strategy accordingly.

Prompts for Content Creation and Distribution…

Design a process for creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with my target audience and supports my marketing goals.

Identify potential content distribution channels and platforms that can help me reach a wider audience and attract more leads and customers for my [service/product].

Develop a strategy for repurposing and optimizing existing content to reach new audiences and reinforce key messages related to my [service/product].

Create a content calendar or editorial plan that aligns with my marketing objectives and provides a roadmap for content creation and distribution.

Consider leveraging influencer marketing or guest blogging to expand my reach and build my brand in the context of my [service/product].

Identify the most effective types of content (e.g., blog posts, videos, podcasts) for reaching and engaging my target audience and promoting my [service/product].

Develop a content marketing strategy that aligns with my overall marketing goals and provides a roadmap for creating and distributing high-quality content related to my [service/product].

Create a content calendar or editorial plan that outlines the topics, formats, and distribution channels to be used for each piece of content related to my [service/product].

Consider leveraging guest blogging or other forms of influencer marketing to reach new audiences and amplify the reach of my content related to my [service/product].

Develop a system for measuring and optimizing the effectiveness of my content marketing efforts and adjusting my strategy accordingly.

Prompts for Brand Identity and Messaging…

Define the core values, vision, and mission of my brand and ensure that they are reflected consistently in all of my marketing efforts related to my [service/product].

Create a brand identity system that includes a logo, color palette, typography, and other visual elements that convey the essence of my [service/product] and resonate with my target audience.

Develop a messaging strategy that communicates the unique value proposition of my [service/product] and differentiates it from competitors in the market.

Create a brand style guide that outlines the tone, voice, and language to be used in all marketing materials related to my [service/product].

Consider conducting market research or surveys to better understand my target audience and refine my brand messaging and identity accordingly.

Develop a comprehensive brand strategy that defines the unique value, personality, and visual identity of my [service/product] and ensures consistency across all marketing channels and touchpoints.

Create a brand awareness plan that includes tactics for building and expanding my brand visibility and recognition among my target audience, such as sponsorships, collaborations, or media coverage.

Develop a brand messaging and storytelling platform that communicates the key messages and themes of my [service/product] compellingly and memorably.

Create a brand style guide that outlines the guidelines, standards, and best practices for using my brand identity and assets across all marketing materials and channels related to my [service/product].

Develop a plan for measuring and monitoring the effectiveness of my brand-building and awareness efforts and adjust my strategy accordingly.

Prompts for Customer Experience and Advocacy…

Develop a strategy for delivering a high-quality, personalized, and memorable customer experience to maximize satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy for my [service/product].

Create a customer journey map that outlines the key touchpoints and interactions that customers have with my [service/product] and identifies areas for improvement and optimization.

Develop a system for measuring and analyzing customer satisfaction, feedback, and Net Promoter Score (NPS) to continually improve the customer experience and loyalty for my [service/product].

Identify potential customer advocates or evangelists who can help promote and endorse my [service/product] and develop strategies for engaging and nurturing these relationships over time.

Create a plan for celebrating and recognizing customer achievements, milestones, and successes related to my [service/product] to build loyalty, advocacy, and community among my customer base.

Prompts for Customer Acquisition and Lead Generation…

Develop a lead generation strategy that identifies the most effective channels, tactics, and tools for reaching and engaging my target audience and driving qualified leads for my [service/product].

Create a lead scoring system or process that helps prioritize and qualify leads based on their level of interest, engagement, and readiness to purchase my [service/product].

Develop a system for nurturing and converting leads over time through targeted content, email marketing, and other engagement tactics that provide value and build trust with potential customers.

Consider leveraging social media, paid advertising, or influencer marketing tactics to increase the reach and impact of my lead generation efforts and attract new prospects and customers to my [service/product].

Create a plan for measuring and optimizing the effectiveness of my customer acquisition and lead generation efforts and adjust my strategy accordingly.